Government funded RSV vaccine available from 3rd February
Paddington Doctors is here for you
Paddington Doctors is passionate about improving the health and wellbeing of our community. Our focus is on delivering accessible, modern, quality, primary healthcare, and our commitment is to excellence.
We recognise that life will not always be straightforward and that health issues often occur when you least expect them. As one of our patients you can expect your care to be co-ordinated, comprehensive and individualised. It will be delivered by your doctor, supported by our team of experienced and accomplished nurses and allied health professionals.
We're here for you...
from start to always
Primary Care
For routine GP care
Urgent Care
For when it can't wait
Virtual Care
For when and where it suits
Mental Health Care
For emotional and psychological wellbeing
Modern healthcare,
the way it should be
Same day appointments
For when it can't wait
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Request Health Assessments
Regular health checks
More infoAll in one place
Onsite Pathology, Allied Health and Specialist Care
More infoAll in one place
Onsite Pathology, Allied Health and Specialist Care
More infoHealth Assessments
Regular health checks
More infoWhen you're busy,
we're flexible
Virtual Consultation
In-person appointments
Speak with your regular GP from wherever suits
At convenient times throughout the day
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